Ever feel like Jesus asked you to do something and when you obey all hell breaks loose? It feels like a storm is raging in your life and you are headed toward destruction? Ever feel that way? I have.
There are times when I feel like I am doing the right thing and everything is falling apart, waves are crashing, wind is howling, and there is not a chance I am going to survive.
The disciples had one particular experience like this. Mark ch. 4: Jesus tells the disciples to hop in a boat and go to the other side of the lake. They all hop in and part way across a storm hits, not a little one either. Wind is blowing, waves are coming into the boat, death seems imminent.
Where is Jesus? He's in the back of the boat, snoozin'. He just got done serving, and preaching his guts out and he is tired. So the disciples really freak out, they wake him up and ask if he even cares that they are gonna die!!
You see up to this point the disciples have only had a glimpse of who Jesus is. He is a great teacher, a miracle worker, an amazing leader. But he is about to reveal the most awesome thing about who he is.
He stands up in the boat and says the wind and waves "Peace, be still!" Then it is dead still, a great calm comes over the water and waves.
You see, I think a lot of us forget one huge thing about Jesus, he is God!! Up until now the disciples just kind of looked at him as a really great man. But he is so much more, he is also God.
Psalm 65:7 (speaking of God) 'who stills the roaring of the seas, the roaring of their waves'.
It is at this moment that Jesus' followers realize that Jesus is much more than just a mere man. They know that only God can still the waves and the wind like this. Jesus looks at them and asks "Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?"
The disciples look at each other and are filled with great fear and say, "Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?"
So where is your faith at today? Are you rowing frantically trying to figure out what is going on, or are you realizing that Jesus is God and with a word he can calm the storm? Have faith, Jesus allows you to go through storms so that you can see one thing, He is God, don't forget that.
There are times when I feel like I am doing the right thing and everything is falling apart, waves are crashing, wind is howling, and there is not a chance I am going to survive.
The disciples had one particular experience like this. Mark ch. 4: Jesus tells the disciples to hop in a boat and go to the other side of the lake. They all hop in and part way across a storm hits, not a little one either. Wind is blowing, waves are coming into the boat, death seems imminent.
Where is Jesus? He's in the back of the boat, snoozin'. He just got done serving, and preaching his guts out and he is tired. So the disciples really freak out, they wake him up and ask if he even cares that they are gonna die!!
You see up to this point the disciples have only had a glimpse of who Jesus is. He is a great teacher, a miracle worker, an amazing leader. But he is about to reveal the most awesome thing about who he is.
He stands up in the boat and says the wind and waves "Peace, be still!" Then it is dead still, a great calm comes over the water and waves.
You see, I think a lot of us forget one huge thing about Jesus, he is God!! Up until now the disciples just kind of looked at him as a really great man. But he is so much more, he is also God.
Psalm 65:7 (speaking of God) 'who stills the roaring of the seas, the roaring of their waves'.
It is at this moment that Jesus' followers realize that Jesus is much more than just a mere man. They know that only God can still the waves and the wind like this. Jesus looks at them and asks "Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?"
The disciples look at each other and are filled with great fear and say, "Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?"
So where is your faith at today? Are you rowing frantically trying to figure out what is going on, or are you realizing that Jesus is God and with a word he can calm the storm? Have faith, Jesus allows you to go through storms so that you can see one thing, He is God, don't forget that.