Friday, January 8, 2010

Witness Protection Program.

Did you ever see one of those movies where someone goes into the Witness Protection Program because they testified against organized crime? The whole deal is this, you fear for your life and you won't say anything unless the government gives you a new identity and starts your life over again in a different state with a new house and job.

So let me ask you this: Are you in the Witness Protection Program?

I was reading Genesis Ch. 20 today and Abraham did this thing where because his wife is good looking and they are going somewhere they have never been before around people they don't know he tells everyone that his wife is his sister. What, really? And not only that, it's not the first time he's done it.

Ok, so my first inclination is to say he is just dumb. But then I think, I do this all the time. I tend to kind of lay low and feel out a situation and make sure I feel real comfy before I ever reveal that I follow God. Why? Same reason that Abraham gives to Abimelech: "I said to myself, 'There is surely no fear of God in this place, and they will kill me because of my wife.'"... (Gen. 20:11). I think often times we jump to conclusions about people, like they will think I'm crazy, or weird, they will make fun of me, so we don't truthfully, fully represent who we are.

Peter did the same thing. About 5 minutes (give or take) after he told Jesus he would never deny him, he's going Jesus who? Not sure who you mean, you must have me confused with someone else!! I think we all go through this, especially as new christians. There is good news though. Peter went on to become one of the greatest leaders in the history of the church. No he wasn't perfect and he still screwed up, but he learned it is better to not pretend.

You see we are all called to be witnesses. But if we put ourselves in the Witness Protection Program and people find out who we are in a different way other then from our own mouths we are not very good witnesses at all. Be brave, take a risk!! In the end, when Abraham came clean about who his wife really was, things went much better for him. Read the story!! Don't jump to conclusions about how you think people will react, you just never really know. God will not let your life get wrecked because you stand up for who he is and for who you are.

Learn from Abraham and Peter, God can do awesome things through you, but it will never happen unless you check out of the Witness Protection Program and be yourself!!